Valencia welcomes the CALICE collaboration meeting
The most granular calorimeters for high energy particle physics visit Valencia in 2022 for the CALICE VLC 2022 event organized by the AITANA group from IFIC.
IFIC, from the AITANA group, is the organizer of the first meeting of the CALICE Collaboration in Valencia, planned for the on April 20-22, 2022.
The meeting of the collaboration organized by IFIC has discuss: the latest technological progress and results; the leading role in the roadmaps set out by the European Particle Physics Strategy and by the European AIDAInnova project; and the preparation of the large-scale beam test campaigns – mimicking facilities similar to small detectors of future Higgs Factories – starting in 2022. In addition, a session dedicated to synergies between CALICE and the Geant4 Collaboration and a «Young Investigators» forum are planned.
The meeting will take place at the Casa de la Ciencia of the CSIC Delegation in Valencia. On the 19th we will have at IFIC a CALICE delegation associated to one of its detectors in development (the SiW-ECAL in which the AITANA group is a participant). In this meeting we will discuss the latest results and developments of this detector and future plans. In addition, thanks to the IFIC outreach team, the delegation will enjoy a guided tour of the IFIC facilities dedicated to the development and testing of particle detectors.
- Agenda of the meeting Click Here
- CALICE collaboration website Click Here
- «The SiW-ECAL of CALICE visits DESY» Click Here
- Delegación CSIC Click Here
- Geant4 Collaboration Click Here
- AIDAInnova Click Here
This event has been sponsored by the Consellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana through the CIDEGENT program of the Gen-T Plan.
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