List of most relevant AITANA publications

Probing gauge-Higgs unification models at the ILC with quark–antiquark forward–backward asymmetry at center-of-mass energies above the Z mass
Irles A., Márquez J.P., Saibel A., Yamamoto H., et al Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 537
m(b) at m(H): the running bottom quark mass and the Higgs boson
J. Aparisi et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 128 (2022) 12, 122001, arXiv:2110.10202 [hep-ph]
A precise characterisation of the top quark electro-weak vertices at the ILC
M.S. Amjad et al., EPJC 75(2015) no. 10, 512. (13 authors from LAL-Orsay e IFIC Valencia, more than 70 citations in inspire) 2015
Jet reconstruction at high-energy lepton colliders
M. Boronat, J. Fuster , I. Garcia, M. Vos, with Ph. Roloff and R. Simoniello Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 2, 144, 61 citations in INSPIRE
Determination of the top quark mass circa 2013: methods, subtleties, perspectives
A. Juste et al., EPJC 74 (2014) 3119 (8 authors, 70+ citations in INSPIRE)
Most relevant publications with AITANA contributions within a collaboration

The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report – Volume 4, Detectors
ILC Collaboration - ILC-REPORT-2013-040, arXiv:1306.6329 (J. Fuster editor, more than 600 cites in INSPIRE)
Updated baseline for a staged compact linear collider
CLIC collaboration, CERN-2016-004, arXiv:1608.07537 (517 authors, more than 300 citations in INSPIRE)
The International Linear Collider: Report to Snowmass 2021
ILC International Development Team - J. Fuster, A. Irles, M. Vos et al., (more than 120 citations in INSPIRE)
International Large Detector: Interim Design Report 2020
ILD concept group - arxiv:2003.01116 (300 authors, more than 100 citations)
ILC Study Questions for Snowmass 2021
K. Fujii, E. Fullana, J. Fuster, A. Irles, M. Vos et al., arXiv:2007.03650 [hep-ph]
Working Group report: top quark
Snowmass top WG, arXiv:1311.2028 (171 authors, more than 100+ citations ins INSPIRE ) 2016