Accelerator Physics
Accelerators for medical applications and for future colliders

The contributions of IFIC in R&D in accelerator are mainly focused in the development of technology in normal-conducting accelerating RF (Radio-Frequency) structures. For this purpose, a High Gradient (HG) RF has been built at IFIC. These HG-RF accelerating structures have been developed and are crucial for future linear colliders such as NLC/JLC (Next/Japanese Linear Collider) and CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) and can have a positive impact on hadrontherapy facilities based on linear accelerators.
The international projection and renown of the group have given rise to an intense collaboration with the most important research centres in high energy physics such as DESY in Germany, KEK in Japan, and CERN in Switzerland. Thanks to these collaborations the group got international funding for R&D in accelerators and detectors. It is especially relevant the technological collaboration agreement with CERN. The group is also part of several exchange projects with DESY, KEK and several European projects. Besides, the group is member of the international collaboration XLS-CompactLight.
Future Lepton Colliders
DosLINC6+ Project
High Gradient RF cavities
Particle accelerators for medical applications
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