Some students describe their experience in the INFERI Physics Summer School in Madrid
Cutting edge instrumentation is a driving force for scientific progress, in Physics, Astrophysics as well as in many other scientific disciplines like Medicine. Novel sophisticated signal processing schemes are a key element in building the advanced instruments of the 21st century. It is around all aspects of the signal processing chain that the scientific and technological programme of the INFIERI schools is built. Following successful editions in Oxford, Paris, Hamburg, Sao Paulo and Wuhan the 6th edition of the school will be held from August 23 till September 4, 2021, at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM). The 6th Summer School on INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry (INFIERI) was hold by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid on 2021 in person.
Few PhD students describe their experience during these 2 weeks of multidisciplinary hands-on physics sessions.
Pablo Martínez Reviriego
This was my first in person experience as a PhD student and it was wonderful. We received talks from experts in a really wide spectrum of topics and we learnt about the state-of-the-art of new technologies such as quantum computing, nuclear fusion, machine learning or future accelerators.
Moreover, thanks to the hands-on laboratory sessions, you can do some things yourself, which is an amazing experience if you combine it with the seminars that you are receiving. In addition, you meet many people from different parts of the world working in a high variety of fields, which is a very open-minded experience in the social aspect as well.
To sum up, I think that this experience, despite being exhausting, will be a crucial key in my development as a scientist.
Figure 1: Pablo presenting his poster at the poster session
In my poster, I presented a brief description of the High-Power RF systems that we have in our laboratory as well as the main research activities that we were performing at that time, specially focused on the conditioning of High-Gradient acceleration cavities for the development of compact linear accelerators for hadrontherapy treatments.
Jesús P. Márquez Hernández
The INFIERI School has been my first experience in a summer school as a PhD student and it has been an amazing experience.
We had talks every morning covering a wide range of topics; from accelerator physics in current and future colliders to nanotechnology in vaccines, passing by quantum computing, machine learning or dark matter searches, amongst other topics. We also had labs sessions, which gave us a feeling of how working on different disciplines really is, going hand-in-hand with the experts.
The school was fully in person, which was a great feature for the labs sessions. For example, I got to see machinery such as a PET-RM scanner and a superconducting magnet for an accelerator. Also, the social interactions were a wonderful part of the school, meeting students from different parts of the world and working on very different fields has been an enriching and motivating experience I won’t ever forget.
On the last day we had a poster session, where the students talked about our work. In my poster (Fig. 2) I explained my work on Gauge-Higgs Unification Models at ILC, exploring the phenomenology of such models from the experimental perspective.
Figure 2: Jesús presenting his poster at the poster session.
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