Vertexing & Foward Tracking Systems
Development of ultra-transparent silicon detectors for vertexing and tracking in ILD

The AITANA group is involved in the design of the vertex detector and forward tracker of the ILD experiment at the ILC and in the development of ultra-thin silicon detectors that can meet the challenging requirements of these detectors. The challenge of this detector is to detect the passage of charge particles formed in the e+e- collision with excellent spatial resolution and without distorting their trajectory. The total material of each detector – including services such as support structures, signal and power lines and the cooling circuit – cannot exceed the equivalent of 100 microns of silicon. Next-generation pixel detectors in DEPFET or CMOS technology can meet these requirements by integrating all functionality in the Silicon sensor itself, even the micro-channel cooling circuit.
This research is performed in collaboration with many other European institutes in the framework of the AIDAinnova project, where IFIC coordinates work package 10 devoted to these advanced mechanical solutions. The active pixel sensors developed by the DEPFET collaboration are currently in operation in the Belle 2 experiment.

M. Vos is convener of the AIDAInnova work package on advanced mechanics.