The MoEDAL and the Nature The MoEDAL experiement publishes the first search for magnetic monopoles produced in strong magnetic fields in heavy-ion collisions Limits on the mass of magnetic monopoles could be established for the first time, as the production cross section for the Schwinger mechanism is calculable nonperturbatively. Several models beyond the Standard Model […]
Categoría: News & Milestones
The SiW-ECAL prototype of CALICE visits DESY II
The SiW-ECAL prototype of CALICE visits DESY II The SiW-ECAL team of CALICE has tested the calorimeter with beam data at the DESY facility in November 2021 The CALICE SiW-ECAL (highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter) is the reference design of the ECAL for International Large Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two detector concepts for […]