Postdoctoral contract (CSIC)

- Research Activities/Interests:
I am experienced in beam dynamics simulations of charged particle beams in accelerators; design of collimation systems and machine protection for linear and circular colliders; calculation of impedances and wakefields in accelerator structures; beam operation in linear and circular high-energy accelerators; and beam instrumentation R&D for linear colliders (beam halo and beam size monitors). Since 2020 I am focusing my research activities on accelerator applications in medicine, focusing in high-gradient accelerators physics and technology and novel radio-therapy techniques.
- Participation in International Collaborations:
- Ex member of the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) collaboration.
- Ex member of the International Linear Collider Collaboration (ILC), the CLIC Collaboration and the Accelerator Test Facility 2 (ATF2) Collaboration.