Professor of Research from CSIC since 2002 and presently CSIC Institutional Delegate in the Valencian Community
- Research Activities/Interest:
Fuster participated in the DELPHI experiment with important responsibilities in the trigger system, the Time of Flight system (project leader), operations (run coordinator) and data analysis (QCD and physics convener). On the detector front he led the IFIC group on micro-strip silicon detectors to construct the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker. In 2005 he started working on the design studies of the future Linear Collider, ILC, and later also CLIC. He presently works on top-quark physics, the development of a future Higgs factory and on accelerator applications to medicine (hadron therapy).
- Positions and responsibilities:
Director of IFIC (2004-2007), manager of the Spanish National Program for Particle Physics (2007-2010); coordinator of the Area of Physics and Physics Technologies of CSIC (2010-2012); chair of the IUPAP C11 Commission on Particles and Fields (2014-2017) and organized the ICHEP 2014 conference. He is/has participated in prestigious international scientific committees (DESY, CERN, IFAE, IBS-Korea), ECFA committee to develop the next Higgs factory and the International Development Team (ILC). He holds the Humboldt Research Prize (2018).