PDI-Titular University of Valencia

- Position
Since 2011, he has been an Associate Professor at the same University.
- Research Interests / Activities / Impact:
- His research trajectory includes extensive experience in the Read-Out Systems design of high performance FPGA-based for different applications.
- He has participated in the discovery of the Higgs Boson (Nobel Prize in Physics 2013) working on the TileCal detector for ATLAS experiment in LHC particle accelerator at CERN, where he has enjoyed numerous stays and carried out his Doctoral Thesis. This activity has resulted in more than 30 articles of impact, more than 40 conference papers and several co authors of books.
- His teaching focuses on the Integrated Systems based on Microprocessors for FPGAs, in the Design of Embedded Systems based in High-Speed Communications and in the Systems and Telecommunication Services.
- José Torres is also Reviewer of the International Journals IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Sensors Journal and International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing.
- He is also a member of several Organizing Committees at National and International Conferences.