Visiting researcher, University of Valencia, IFIC/CSIC.
Professor emeritus, Tohoku University

- Research Activities/Interest:
He obtained his Ph.D. thesis at Caltech on the PEP experiment at SLAC, and went on to join the E731 CP violation experiment at Fermilab as a postdoc/senior research associate. He then moved to Harvard as a junior faculty (first as an assistant professor and then as an associate professor) to work on the CLEO experiment at the CESR (Cornell Electron Storage Ring). After three years as a professor at University of Hawaii, he joined the faculty at Tohoku University. His main research interest in this period is heavy quark physics with the Belle detector at the KEK B factory as well the international linear collider (ILC). He holds the current positions upon he retired from Tohoku university.
- International experiments and responsibilities:
His doctoral work was performed under Prof. Barry Barish in the DELCO at PEP group, and in the Fermilab E731 experiment, he played key roles in establishing the first evidence of direct CP violation. In the CESR group, he was the leader of the group that worked on the machinedetector interface (MDI) that designed and built the world’s first actively-cooled double-wall Beryllium beam pipe which became standard for B factories thereafter. It led him to organize and lead the MDI group of the Belle group. From 2003 on, he spent about half of his research time on the ILC, first as the Asian head of the ‘worldwide study’ for the linear colliders and then as the associate director responsible for physics and detectors of the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC). For 10 years from 2007, he was the head of the programs for the physics and detector activities of the linear colliders in Japan which supported the majority of the ILCrelated physics and detector efforts in Japan. He was the physics department chair for the year 2017 and has been on many advisory boards and committees including the SLAC program committee, the LHCC, J-Parc program committee, etc.