Advanced instrumentation and data analysis in accelerators

The Insituto de Física Corpuscular, IFIC, is a joint center of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC, and the Universitat de València, UVEG. The IFIC is dedicated to research in nuclear, particle and astroparticle phsyics and their applications to medical physics and other fields in science and technology.
The AITANA – matter & technology – group from IFIC is a multidiscipline team that encompasses experimental particle physics and accelerator physics researchers. We are involved in leading activities at ongoing experiments in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): the ATLAS experiment and the MoEDAL experiment. In addition, we are also very active in future projects of the so called Higgs/EW/Top-quark factories, as the International Linear Collider (ILC) or the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Our group is also invested in the search for the so-called axion particles which are one of the particles candidates to solve the dark matter puzzle. We also play an important role in the R&D programme of detectors for such facilities. Finally, we are also at the spanish and european vanguard of accelerator R&D for collider facilities and medical applications.
In summary, we are a research group with a broad portfolio of expertises in several areas of experimental particle physics: from the creation of technology solutions in the detector and accelerator instrumentation to the development of novel techniques for data analysis and particle physics phenomenology interpretations.
Welcome to AITANA !
Download here the CV of the AITANA group.
LUXE - Laser Und XFEL Experiment
Ion Accelerator

The 3rd ECFA workshop on e+e- Higgs, Electroweak and Top Factories
Paris - October 9th, 2024, 09:00 to Friday, October 11th, 16:00
LUXE ECAL workshop in Krakow
AGH University of Krakow Sep 24 – 27, 2024
AITANA Montly Meetings
Every first monday of the month (with some exceptions)
AITANA Annual Meeting 2023
1-2 February 2024: AITANA Annual meeting 2023 Matter & Technology